
Please help me solve this problem, and someone please clearly explain to me how to solve it.1.) Use the value of the discriminant to determine if the given trinomials has 2 real solutions, 1 real solution, or no real solutions.a. x2 − 4x − 7 = 0b. 4r2 + 11r − 3 = 0c. 3m2 + 7 = 0d. t2 + 2t + 1 = 0​

Accepted Solution

Step-by-step explanation:For a trinomial ax² + bx + c = 0, the discriminant is b² − 4ac.If the discriminant is positive, there are 2 real solutions.If the discriminant is 0, there is 1 real solution.If the discriminant is negative, there are no real solutions.a) x² − 4x − 7 = 0Here, a = 1, b = -4, and c = -7.b² − 4ac = (-4)² − 4(1)(-7) = 44The discriminant is positive, so there are 2 real solutions.b) 4r² + 11r − 3 = 0Here, a = 4, b = 11, and c = -3.b² − 4ac = (4)² − 4(11)(-3) = 148The discriminant is positive, so there are 2 real solutions.c) 3m² + 7 = 0Here, a = 3, b = 0, and c = 7.b² − 4ac = (0)² − 4(3)(7) = -84The discriminant is negative, so there are no real solutions.d) t² + 2t + 1 = 0Here, a = 1, b = 2, and c = 1.b² − 4ac = (2)² − 4(1)(1) = 0The discriminant is zero, so there is 1 real solution.